2. Change "http://your Image Link Here.gif" to that image that want to add..and also "http://Clickable Link" the url that you want to add.. and so on..good luck..
What is rotating Ad Banner? Rotating Ad Banner Javascript to show various Ad banners on same space by rotating it in timely banner. It will be very helpful for those who sometimes feel short of space to show there advertisers.As this is very helpful to show off different ads in timely manner..This cool hacks by Blog Widgets
1. Go to Layout->Page Elements->Add Page Element->HTML and paste the script below
<script type="text/javascript">
var imgs1 = new Array("http://your Image Link Here.gif","https://your Image link.gif","https://Image Link.gif","https://Image Link","http://image Link");
var lnks1 = new Array("http://www.linkworth.com/?a=15034","http://Clickable Link here","http://Clickable link","http://Clickable Link","http://Clickable Link");
var alt1 = new Array();
var currentAd1 = 0;
var imgCt1 = 5;
function cycle1() {
if (currentAd1 == imgCt1) {
currentAd1 = 0;
var banner1 = document.getElementById('adBanner1');
var link1 = document.getElementById('adLink1');
<a id="adLink1" href="http://Your First link" target="_blank">
<img id="adBanner1" border="0" width="125" src="youir Image Link here" height="125"/></a>
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