Here how to add icon before post titles.. Thanks for Blogger Blogger Accessories for the great for the great hacks.
So, follow the step below to implement it..
1. The first step you need to do are to create an image which you would like to show before each post title. You can download a image or create by yourself using Photoshop or else. Then upload it to image hosting such as photobucket, Imageshack or Tinypic .I personally prefer Imageshack.
2. The second step you need to do are change the text in red with your image url
And then u need to add the image code after the blue line. For example below...
<img src=” your Image Url ” />
3. Then, lastly click (Layout-> EDIT HTML tab -> Expand Widget Templates) and find the codes below..
<b:if cond=’data:post.url’>
<a expr:href=’data:post.url’><data:post.title/></a>